
I can see a rainbow – colour in branding

Seeing rainbows in so many windows, made me think about the importance of colour in branding and marketing. Colour Psychology is simply the effect colour[…]

When the going gets tough, the tough keep marketing

As companies start to think about reopening their doors (literally & figuratively) many are thinking about marketing. For companies that have been hardest hit by[…]

Award winning Marketing

Award winner!!! I’m not one to blow my own trumpet but I’m delighted to say BEAN Marketing has recently been awared two great acolodes recently.[…]

Marketing is important to business – it’s not just colouring in!

Marketing has, in the past been seen as a frivolous ‘nice to have’ yet non-essential aspect to many businesses.  Below are just a handful of[…]

Inbound Marketing v Outbound Marketing

Marketing by its very nature is all about creating new buzzwords and generating interest, so what exactly is Inbound Marketing & Outbound Marketing and which[…]

How to nail Social Selling on LinkedIn – 3 simple steps!

LinkedIn is by far and away the most obvious choice when it comes to B2B social selling. There are more than 610 million professionals signed[…]

Spring Clean your Marketing

Spring has finally sprung! It’s finally warming up, the daffodils are out and Summer, with its’ gorgeously long days of beaches and barbecues is just[…]

Make blogging your business resolution this year!

I know most people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolution but here’s one that you’ll want to stick with (and not just[…]

Why do I need a Marketing Plan?

Now is the perfect time to be planning for next year’s Marketing activities. With so many companies taking a more ‘ad-hoc approach’ we take a[…]

Lessons I’ve learned being Self-Employed.

Amazingly, almost a whole year has gone by since I first started BEAN Marketing and this is what I’ve learnt about being self-employed! Some people[…]