So it seems we all escaped GDPR relatively unscathed. Ok I’m sure everyone’s database is slightly (or in some cases significantly) smaller but that’s not the end of the world is it?! In fact the benefit of having a cleaner database who want to receive Marketing can only be regarded positively.
But there seems to be the question of ‘what’s next for Marketing’? Hopefully the over reliance of mass emailing will become a thing of the past. Moving forward we can all start to incorporate different methods in our strategies.
Social Media
Social Media will continue to dominate. However, since a lot of Social Media Marketing does not collect personal data little will change here. For those that do collect data provided you comply with data collection rules (explicit consent only) again little will change.
Postal Marketing
According to the ICO, Postal Marketing is not effected by GDPR. After years of receiving Email Marketing there is something special about receiving a hard copy piece of promotional material. According to the Royal Mail, research shows unaddressed items stay in the home for an average of 38 days.
I know everyone is busy these days but time spent cultivating relationships and networking is not wasted time. Networking helps with word of mouth recommendations which are by far and away the most effective type of Marketing, which leads me on to….
If you can get testimonials and reviews from happy clients, use them! Apparently a whopping 84% of people trust online reviews as much as they’d trust a recommendation from a friend!
Traditional Methods
A resurgence of traditional methods could well be on the cards! TV, Press and Radio advertising don’t require opt ins so we may see a re-balance of spend back to these methods over the coming months. Being able to use localised advertising will see more and more smaller sized companies foray into the world of Traditional Advertising which used to be solely for the ‘big boys’.
Email Marketing
Email will of course continue but it will be much more targeted and personalised which can only be a good thing! Data will be used more carefully and hopefully with more respect resulting in better relationships with clients.
I think only time will tell as to what scale impact GDPR is going to have on Marketing but as the dust settles I think people will realise the only thing that has really changed is the size of the database and Email Marketing is not the be all end all!
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